• Project 1

    Password Manager

    1. User-Friendly Menu: Easy navigation with options to list, store, and access credentials.

    2. Master Password Protection: Ensures access security through hashed master passwords.

    3. AES Encryption: Utilizes advanced encryption for secure storage of usernames and passwords.

    4. Data Integrity: Implements PKCS7 padding for encrypted data integrity.

    5. Error Handling: Robust error handling for incorrect.

    View Project 1
    Web Design

  • Project 2

    Network Scanner

    1. Host Discovery: Quickly identify live hosts within a specified IP range.

    2. Port Scanning: Efficiently scan open ports on target hosts for potential vulnerabilities.

    3. OS Fingerprinting: Determine likely operating systems of live hosts.

    4. User-Friendly Menu: Easy-to-use interface for selecting between host and port scanning.

    5. Versatile Tool: Ideal for network administrators and security professionals.

    View Project 2
    Web Design

  • Project 3

    Secure File Transfer

    1. Secure Socket Communication: Implements robust socket programming for secure communication between client and server during file transfer.

    2. User-Friendly Interface with Socket Connectivity: Allows users to choose encryption modes seamlessly, supported by secure socket connections for reliable client-server interaction.

    3. Cross-Platform Compatibility with Socket Integration: Ensures smooth operation across platforms, integrating socket programming for efficient communication in diverse environments.

    4. Transparent Process with Socket Feedback: Detailed print statements provide transparency into encryption processes, complemented by socket feedback for clear insights during data transfer.

    5. Extensible Socket Framework: The modular structure supports both encryption algorithms and extensibility through socket programming, enabling customization to specific requirements.

    View Project 3
    Web Design

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I bring rapid solutions to make the life of people easier. Have any questions? Reach out to me by Email and I will get back to you shortly.

Email: [email protected]

GitHub: https://github.com/juanmuller24